Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome to Sravanthi's blog!

Musings defined: thoughts: thoughts, especially when aimless and unsystematic

In here are just those, my "Wandering thoughts" that at some point in my life crossed my mind. On occasion, with vivid detail and deliberation and many other times, just random.
They now have comeback with a demand to be written. I write as I find time (which is not often these days), so, this is not my diary nor is it a reflection on any philosophy....
As random and directionless as they may seem, my thoughts are what make me and while this is not an attempt to write everything I feel and want to say, it surely is an avenue that I have decided to use to make public those that have either peeked someone's interest, aroused a latent feeling or two, or just simply made someone smile!



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The Baker's Dozen on Strengthening Relationships

Do relationships matter?  Ever imagined where we would be without the many ties that keep our existence meaningful? Whether the objecti...