Monday, November 30, 2009

A Farewell Wish

Well this time, no kidding!
I was at a Chinese restaurant for lunch at noon today. I am not entirely sure what my fortune cookie message meant, but it read: "The secret to keeping good friends is no secret to you"..... My conclusion: The meal is awesome, I don't really know the secret, I am blessed with very kind friends that let me believe that I do, and that the fortune cookie people are in cahoots with the coincidence gods. How else could anyone have guessed what's been on my mind?


Dear Sobha and Sahadev,

Though it was by chance that we met, I am glad we chose to be friends. I'll admit, it was difficult to not seek friendship with folks like you and I am thankful that our relationship has extended into realms beyond it's first circumstance.
Knowing you two has been a tremendous gift to me. I got re-introduced to facets of my life that I knew existed but never thought would be so joyful to explore, realize and share. Whether it is in a crowd or in select company, you are such a pleasure or should I say, 'calming influence' to be around. In Apoorva and Pooja's dictionary the synonyms for that read more like 'Fun, Funny, playful, kind, soft-spoken, good cook' and so on. In Mohan's, NEOTA and GNO. Singular though it is, you each have a way about yourselves that is utterly disarming yet without any force of word or deed. In your simplicity of thought and action and your deep desire to make a positive difference in the ways of the world, you have unknowingly inspired me to be a Better Person. I knew I was good, but better sounds better than good, doesn't it? Just kidding! No, it was not a 5-day crash course in spirituality or go-Green initiatives offered at Parker Lake Estates, but a journey in quiet understanding, constant learning and sincere admiration.

Needless to say, we'll miss you terribly, Mohan, Apoorva, Pooja and I .......

A farewell wish is necessary to nudge you to look forward to the moments of our meeting again, so here it goes....
My heart says that I should take a chance and literally follow you to your destination but my commonsense that most often comes to my rescue demands that I should let it prevail and stay back to simply remind friends and well-wishers that Singapore is well-connected by air and that you are fantastic hosts who are sure to top off a welcome meal with at least one scoop of ice-cream!
I want to hold on to your friendship, which I will in spirit, but let you leave because I know this new place that you are eager to call home awaits you, so you can transform it with your presence into one that is as sweet as the one you are leaving behind.

I pray that God keep you both just the way you are, happy, compassionate, kind, simple and true to your thoughts and values.

I don't think I want to say Good-bye because I have a feeling we are going to meet again soon :-)

NEOTA - Northeast Ohio Telugu Association
GNO - Guys Night Out
Parker Lake - Sobha and Sahadev lived in that community

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