Friday, September 24, 2010

AUTUMN - Acrostic

by Sravanthi Vallampati.
Much as I love Spring and Summer, there's a certain magic in the air as Autumn negotiates that last turn around the corner to present itself !!! As days become shorter, blooms turn into berries and each leaf into a flower fluttering through a perfectly situated autumnal day, whistling under my breath, I stand gazing into the trees in my yard, wishing I was a bird or a butterfly with abundant opportunities to get up close with the maiden of Autumn, laden in the golden load left behind by summer past.....thinking not so much of the harshness of winter but a time to prepare for the spring to come!

As trees turn color, Crimson, Cherry and Gold, I soak
Under showers of falling leaves, watching Geese fly South
Taking a deep cleansing breath of crisp Autumn air, gazing
Undeterred by the winnowing wind into fading light, sipping
Mild Apple cider, with Cinnamon warm and tart just right!
Not a place on earth I'd rather be, than in my neck of woods!

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