Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Pie Day Memories


By Sravanthi Vallampati

We all have those fun days at work when we arrive extra early by chance only to discover that we are in for a surprise treat, unhesitatingly indulging in which we spend most of our morning just sharing sweet nothings and allowing ourselves to be interrupted only by occasional checking of emails. Whether we attribute the enthusiasm to the excessive sugar in those treats or just to the need for a break in the routine, days like these go down in our memory books as ones that we are only too fond to regurgitate from time to time and secretly wish happened more often....It was one of those days at my work and what made it extra memorable was that it was a Pie contest. Here's a piece of the Pie that remained with me...

It's Pie Day! I thought to myself, Pie, Oh my! Oh my!
A sparkle of delight dashed through the thick morning fog
as I hurried to get dressed and almost tripped on my clog;
The frenzy of Pies flying by, my imagination soaring high;
Alas! I couldn't bake a Pie. Disappointed, I heaved a sigh!

Well, in a moment's lapse I recouped and was well enroute
to savor it all, Crust, Filling, Toppings, all that luscious loot;
As I drew near the hubbub got louder, the ooh!s, the aah!s,
Coffee Cheesecake!, Yumm, ' You gotta try this ' said one,
Peanut Butter Pie, Nutty Buttery Creamy and Chocolatey;
Brown Betty, Apple Cake, crispy Pecan and Apple tart Pies,
Look out! There’s more, surely a rare feast for the eyes.

The smacking of lips, the chatter and tips I heard continue..

Unable to resist, I peeked over a shoulder, only to discover
more upraised mysteries, of Shape, Flavor and yes, Color!
A Square Dump Pie, Pumpkin, Blueberry and Ripe Cherry.
Just when I thought it was my turn to indulge and be merry,
I caught a glimpse of the bold center-piece; 'It's not sweet
And it's for lunch’ I heard a peer exclaim; we HAD to meet,
This gentle Shepherd's Pie and I, and the proof is in that Pie.

With my stomach churning, yet my desire for Pie still burning,
I linger around the sweet sugary scent to vote. Think! Think!
Could one be better, in all its heavenly goodness than another?
Me think not. For, all Pies shared with a sweet desire to please,
speak of absolute honest goodness, not one but all to appease.

Wait I can’t for another decadent Pie day, once again a ‘Tie’ day!

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